Coffee Machine

Coffee Machine

Coffee machine for hire, ideal for events, canteens and restaurant use.

Enter ‘hire start’ and ‘hire end’ dates on the calendar below to get a budget hire rate cost for this product. Repeat the process if you want to check different hire periods.


Capacity: Maximum of 240 cups per hour

Dimensions: 760(w) x 540(d) x 460(h) mm

Power: Electric model: 32 amp, single phase, 2.7 kW, via commando plug

Services: Water inlet: 15mm (1/2” BSP). Water pressure: 1.5 bar (min) to 8 bar (max). Water outlet: 22mm (3/4” BSP)

Features: 2 group fully automatic model. 14 litre boiler. Hot water dispenser and 1 steam arm for frothing milk. Water treatment filter required.